The Oregon Statewide K7RPT Repeater System

Last Updated: June 2024

Location/Coverage Status Frequency Shift Tone Mode Elevation Information/Comments


On the Air 146.720 - 114.8 FM 2900 Linked F/T to 147.320 Mhz

Forest Grove

(S. Saddle Mtn)

On the Air 147.320 + 100.0 FM 3300 Linked F/T to 442.325 and 444.400 Mhz Mhz
On the Air 442.325 + 100.0 FM 3300 Linked F/T to 147.320 Mhz and ECHOLINK: K7RPT-L (Both Repeaters)
ALLSTAR: 551581, Contact KE7K for access
On the Air 440.8125 + CC1 DMR 3300
On the Air 144.390 S SQL DMR 3300


On the Air 147.260 + 103.5 FM 7200 Operational with some receiver problems


On the Air 147.020 + 100.0 FM 1550

Mount Hood

On the Air 147.120 + 100.0 FM 7100 Linked F/T to 444.225 Mhz
On the Air 444.225 + 100.0 FM 7100 Linked F/T to 147.120 Mhz and ECHOLINK: AC7QE-R (Both Repeaters).  Both repeaters linked F/T to Redmond and Warm Springs repeaters
On the Air 444.1500 + CC1 DMR 7100 DMR operated by the I-84 Group


On the Air 145.330 - 103.5 FM 3600


(West Hills)

On the Air 147.040 + 100.0 FM 980 Coming soon ALLSTAR: 551500
On the Air 442.225 + 103.5 FM/C4FM 980 ECHOLINK: K7RPT-R
ALLSTAR: 551582, Contact KE7K for access
On the Air 440.5125 + CC1 DMR 1020


Off the Air 147.040 + 114.8 FM 900 Moving to Grizzly Mtn, summer of 2024


On the Air 147.380 + 100.0 FM 1350
On the Air 443.750 + 100.0 FM/C4FM 1350

Warm Springs

On the Air 442.225 + 114.8 FM 3900 Linked F/T to Mt.Hood and Redmond
ECHOLINK: AC7QE-R (via Mt.Hood)


On the Air 444.400 + 100.0 FM 700 Linked F/T to 147.320 Mhz

An Overview of the K7RPT Repeater System

Quality Voice

All of our repeaters use quality equipment and are properly tuned using professional service equipment by the ARRG Technical Team.  All of our repeaters are tuned exactly as the equipment manufacture outlines to obtain the best voice quality possible.

Wide Coverage

With our high elevation tower sites, commercial grade antennas and repeater linking capabilities, your able to make it miles from your operating location using the K7RPT Repeater System with just a handheld radio.

Digital Support

Our repeater system stays up to date with the latest technologies such as Digital Mobile Radio (DMR) and Yaesu System Fusion (YSF) C4FM.  We also have digital to analog linking systems such as Internet Radio Linking Protocol (IRLP) Nodes and Echolink capabilities.

Quality Equipment

All of our repeaters use quality equipment are properly maintained by the ARRG Technical Team which specializes in keeping the system in top condition.  Some repeater sites have tricky limitations that the ARRG Technical Team uses specialized equipment to overcome and give you the best operating experience.